Dark & Eerie by Mansi Summer

Dark & Eerie by Mansi Summer

Dark & Eerie by Mansi Summer

Dark & Eerie – As the detective sets foot on the island, he is confronted with an eerie sight—a beast-like creature that defies all logical explanation.

The mysteries surrounding this island run deep, and every step he takes uncovers more hidden truths and sinister secrets.

With each revelation, the boundaries between reality and nightmare blur, leaving our protagonist teetering on the edge of his own sanity.

Dark & Eerie by Mansi Summer

About the Author

Mansi Summer is a rising star in the literary world, and her work has already garnered a devoted following. Her stories resonate deeply with readers who are captivated by her ability to evoke powerful emotions and transport them to worlds both familiar and unknown.

​She started her writing career in the summer of 2020 and hasn’t stopped since. She lives in Osaka and considers herself a full-time writer and a part-time art student. She has been publishing novels and short stories on various platforms since she moved to Japan.

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