Destiny Wars: Girl at the End of the World by Kate Phyre

Destiny Wars_ Girl at the End of the World by Kate Phyre

Destiny Wars: Girl at the End of the World by Kate Phyre

Blast off on a wild ride through time and space with the future of Humanity hanging in the balance.
A fun, quick read, chock full of science fiction, adventure and time bending thrills!

On her 19th birthday Marilyn Martin is expelled from the only home she’s ever known with no memory of her past and dangerous alien technology bonded to her DNA.

Shuffled out of an uncaring system into unknown danger Marilyn races against time (and deadly foes) to unlock the secret of her past before the alien tech invading her mind destroys the entire human race; but who hasn’t had a bad birthday?

Determined to bend Marilyn to his will Dr. Smith hatches his own plan for the powerful alien technology.
He’ll burn the world in his quest for power.

A surprise ally might be a bloodthirsty mercenary that probably shouldn’t be trusted.
And everyone is lying about her past!
The truth will shock you.

About the Author

Kate Phyre is an author, script writer, actor and pet-mom of very demanding kitties, living with a very patient partner. She is also a speaker, writing coach and mixed medium artist creating sculpture from reclaimed industrial materials, an armchair astronomer and is fascinated by all things mysterious and unsolved.

Her early career reflects her ongoing love of Theatre and the performing arts, she studied dance and acting at the oldest theater conservatory in the U.S. and indulged her passion for reading the classics of literature, the American playwrights, the Greeks and Shakespeare. As a performer she had the thrill of bringing some of literature’s classic characters to life and as a writer she gets the distinct pleasure of creating new worlds and work-shopping her books and scripts into full fledged productions.

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