Discover God’s Health Wisdom by Alexandra Yu

Discover God’s Health Wisdom by Alexandra Yu

Discover God’s Health Wisdom by Alexandra Yu

Discover God’s Health Wisdom: Exposing 8 Common Myths That Keep You Sick by Alexandra Yu

Do you feel anxious about your chronic illness and frustrated by a never-ending amount of conflicting health information? Discover God’s Health Wisdom invites you to explore what the Bible has to say about health. It exposes the pitfalls of the healthcare industry from a nurse’s perspective and provides compelling reasons to seek God’s wisdom first for your health. This book will ultimately instill peace and hope as it encourages you to turn to the One who created you-the most powerful, loving Healer.

Discover God’s Health Wisdom by Alexandra Yu

About the Author

Alexandra Yu is a registered nurse with many years of experience in the clinical research industry. Her passion for holistic health led her to launch the Her Holistic Healing podcast. Alexandra’s mission is to encourage women to seek God’s wisdom first for their health and life so that they can experience true, lasting healing that will allow them to make a greater eternal impact in their homes and communities.

Alexandra is a wife and mom of three children. She loves to read, work out, travel, and play the piano, and she has a passion for helping at-risk children.

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