Dragon’s Voice by D. Lambert

Dragon's Voice by D. Lambert

Dragon’s Voice by D. Lambert

Sair Mirk was only the bastard son of a dead guardian until he stole the wrong magic amulet.

Now the dragons of Dragon Pass want him as their voice and have sent him to the capital to convince the King not to build his border towers near the Pass.

In order to reach the King, Sair must convince the Heir that he is not insane, a task made more difficult the farther into court politics he, an ungracious errands boy, falls.

Alienating the Heir seemed like the worst thing he could have done, but in doing so he also stumbled into an assassination plot against the King.

Untangling that plot threatens the existence of magic in the world, and Sair is at the heart of it.

Now even the dragons cannot save him. ​

Dragon’s Voice by D. Lambert

About the Author

At a young age, Deborah’s rampant imagination kept her up, lending great detail to all the terrible things lurking in the night. In desperation, her mother suggested she invent her own stories to distract her brain. She has been doing that since, channeling her ideas into mainly sword and sorcery-style fantasy novels and shorts.

Tired of predictable fantasy novels, she wrote “Dragon’s Voice” and released it into the YA self-published world November 2019, upon which it was featured in the Greater Victoria Library’s Emerging Author program in 2020/2021. She followed with the Weapons of Espar series (Dragon’s Talon and SoulBurner) in May 2020 and March 2021 to complete the YA, coming-of-age series with her brand of sassy small dragons and sarcastic heroes.

In 2021, she signed with 4Horsemen Publishing for the adult high-fantasy series “Son of No Man,” with Book 1 (Rydan) released in August 2021. After a busy two years, Book 6 of the series (Traitor) is due November 2023 to finish the series that follows the foundation of the Kingdom of Espar for all the wrong reasons.

In the moments between writing the longer series, she has released additional short stories both in ebooks and in anthologies such as the Sooke Writer’s Collective’s anthologies 6 through 10. She also is a regular ribbon-winner at the local Sooke Fair and participant in anything the library has going!

In her other life, Deborah is a veterinarian who takes every opportunity to get out into the West Coast rain forests and find more inspiration for wet but glorious settings among the towering conifers. A proud Canadian, she lives in Sooke, BC, with her husband of 15 + years, their two sons, and three demanding felines.

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