Drakenheart by Raina T.R Froste

Drakenheart by Raina T.R Froste

Drakenheart by Raina T.R Froste

Sixteen-year-old Lily is battling the difficulties of high school as well as navigating the new life-altering journey she is forced to embark on.

She discovers a world of magic and mystery full of secrets and hidden truths. Revealing a price on her head and the remnants of an age-old civil war, along the way, she meets powerful allies, faces treacherous adversaries, and discovers the strength to confront her destiny–all while crushing on the new kid, Jaxon, who struggles with the choice of following his head or his heart.

Will she survive until graduation?

Drakenheart is a captivating journey of self-discovery and adventure where the truth is never what it seems.

Drakenheart by Raina T.R Froste

About the Author

T.R. Froste is a young writer who passionately shares stories with others while also finding joy in reading and cuddling with their dog.

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