Dreaming of Hope by Justin Doyle

Dreaming of Hope by Justin Doyle

Dreaming of Hope by Justin Doyle

In the year before the events of Embargo on Hope, the embargo plagues the poor Olan-Har of Vastire.

Fifteen-year-old Pavlar Solia seems to be the only one actually looking out for them, between the exhaustive search for food and medicine, holding off the gangs of Hargonla, and even investigating murder.

He and his best friend Darynn Mark are desperate for a solution, something lasting, something that can save everyone.

Should he fail, by the time the embargo ends, there may be no one left to save.

Dreaming of Hope by Justin Doyle

About the Author

Justin was born in Galveston, TX and raised in the Houston area. In middle school, he fell in love with two life-long pursuits: space and writing. He knew he wanted to work at NASA and write science fiction/fantasy on the side, and lo and behold, that’s exactly what he ended up doing.

He graduated from Texas A&M University with a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering, and an M.S. in Systems Engineering. He now works for Barrios Technology as a project engineer for the next NASA space station, the Gateway, after previously working on commercial avionics, International Space Station (ISS) flight and manifest planning, and ISS research planning. He lives in the Houston area with his wife, daughters, and various small mammals.

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