Dust of Wrathful Years by Klara Łuczka-Hanzalová

Dust of Wrathful Years by Klara Łuczka-Hanzalová

Dust of Wrathful Years by Klara Łuczka-Hanzalová

Dust of Wrathful Years is a thoroughly researched historical fiction novel, following the trials of the Polish resistance during WWII. This is the first part of a trilogy which strives to portray a generation lost in wartime.

After a short-lived era of renaissance, Poland is once again torn to pieces. The endless struggle for freedom returns. Aniela, Jadzia and Kamil were simply adolescents growing up in a promising age of renewal. Part of a generation born with their homeland’s independence, they were to discover Poland as a free and thriving country… Only to later discover death and destruction. In the face of terror imposed by the Nazi German invasion, they take up arms to fight. The young scouts become bold soldiers, determined to defend righteousness against the all-encompassing and merciless evil.

Set in Warsaw, the novel brings to life the Polish resistance through the eyes of youth in the Scouting movement. After their lives are irreversibly damaged, they must face a double ordeal – to protect their country while also simply growing up and finding their place in the world. Thus, the story delves into coming-of-age experiences in a terror-filled world, as the heroes strive to rebuild their shattered hearts and form trusted friendships amidst surrounding insecurity.

The reader will discover a different era unfolded in each part of the trilogy, throughout which they can watch the main characters’ growth from childhood through adolescence to adulthood. Their maturation is strongly shaken by the destruction and disillusionment of wartime, and as the years go by, their experiences of trauma deepen.

Dust of Wrathful Years by Klara Łuczka-Hanzalová

About the Author

Klara Łuczka-Hanzalová is a writer of historical fiction and a psychology graduate, currently based in Glasgow. Born to Polish parents, she grew up moving between France, Poland, and the U.S. Across these experiences, I discovered that her heart would always be most attached to the city of Warsaw, where she spent 10 years immersed in its breathtaking history. In her first novel, Dust of Wrathful Years, she attempts to give a glimpse into Poland’s heritage, through the stories of young people fighting for the country’s freedom during the Second World War.

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