Eat So What! The Power of Vegetarianism by La Fonceur

Eat So What! The Power of Vegetarianism by La Fonceur

Eat So What! The Power of Vegetarianism by La Fonceur

Whether you are vegetarian since birth or practicing vegetarianism for health issues or you are a non-vegetarian, this nutrition guide is for you!

Eat So What! The Power of Vegetarianism by La Fonceur

About the Author

La Fonceur is the author of the book series Eat So What! and Secret of Healthy Hair, a dance artist, and a health blogger. She is a Lacto vegetarian since birth like her parents and her grandparents. She has a master’s degree in Pharmacy. She specialized in Pharmaceutical Technology and worked as a research scientist in the pharmaceutical research and development department. She is also a registered pharmacist. She has published an article titled ‘Techniques for Producing Biotechnology-Derived Products of Pharmaceutical Use’ in Pharmtechmedica Journal. Being a research scientist, she has worked closely with drugs. Based on her experience, she believes that one can prevent most of the diseases with nutritious vegetarian foods and a healthy lifestyle.

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