Elevate Your Plate by PJ Zito: Real Food Choices & Recipes for a Healthy NOW 

Elevate Your Plate by PJ Zito Real Food Choices & Recipes for a Healthy NOW 

Elevate Your Plate by PJ Zito

This book highlights looking into lifestyle options to transform your relationship with food, enabling your body and brain to heal from the inside out. Discover the profound impact of nutrition and become a more empowered version of yourself.

Your new NOW wealth includes the health of your brain, your body, and your soul. In these pages, PJ forks up delicious, nutritious recipes and reveals why you want to eat them.

You are encouraged to sink your teeth into real, whole food choices. Come explore benefits to confirm your why, and elevate your plate, creating your own delicious recipes to quickly change the trajectory of your life.

This taste of goodness will lead you into your kitchen to feed your mind, body, and soul with many new ideas to elevate your plate with real food choices and recipes for a healthy NOW.

PJ Zito has stood on the wisdom and guidance of health and wellness giants since 1983 after she lost 25 pounds in a week. Her near-death experience explains her unwavering commitment to living in the NOW.

Putting self-care first through healthy choices, journal work, and supportive resources is the key to never miss another moment of your extraordinary life.

Elevate Your Plate by PJ Zito

Get ready to revolutionize your relationship with food! “Elevate Your Plate” by PJ Zito isn’t just another cookbook – it’s a culinary manifesto that promises to transform your body, mind, and soul from the inside out.

Zito serves up a delicious blend of nutritional wisdom and practical recipes that’s designed to empower readers to take control of their health. This isn’t about fad diets or quick fixes; it’s a holistic approach to eating that treats food as both fuel and medicine.

What sets this book apart is its focus on the ‘why’ behind healthy eating. By explaining the benefits of each recipe and ingredient, Zito gives readers the knowledge they need to make informed choices about their diet. It’s like having a nutritionist and a chef in your kitchen, guiding you towards better health one bite at a time.

I’m particularly intrigued by Zito’s personal story of transformation. Her near-death experience and subsequent weight loss journey add a powerful layer of authenticity to her advice. It’s clear that she’s not just preaching from a pedestal, but sharing hard-won wisdom from her own life.

The emphasis on ‘NOW wealth’ – including brain, body, and soul health – is a refreshing take on the concept of wellbeing. It’s a reminder that true health is about more than just physical fitness; it encompasses mental clarity and emotional balance too.

The interactive element of encouraging readers to create their own recipes is brilliant. By empowering people to experiment in the kitchen, Zito is fostering a sustainable approach to healthy eating that goes beyond simply following a set of rules.

“Elevate Your Plate” sounds like it could be a game-changer for anyone looking to improve their health through nutrition. If you’re tired of confusing diet trends and are ready for a common-sense approach to eating that nourishes your whole self, this indie gem might just be the recipe for success you’ve been craving.

🥗 Fuel your body, feed your soul! A delicious journey to holistic health that’ll have you rethinking every bite. Get ready to elevate your eating game! 🍽️ #HealthyEating #NutritionRevolution #WholeFood

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Elevate Your Plate by PJ Zito

About the Author

Patricia Jean Smithyman-Zito (PJ Zito) is a multi-published, #1 bestselling author who writes and speaks on the importance of living in the present moment by putting self-care first. Her mission is to reach a million hearts with her message of choosing greater peace, health, and happiness
by “Living in the NOW™.”

PJ Zito has authored over 20 self-help books, journals, diaries, handbooks, planners, and her new #1 Bestselling how-to cookbook, “Elevate Your Plate to Elevate Your Life NOW!” She supports her readers in creating a new NOW that lasts a lifetime. PJ invites everyone to join her on her mission to help others discover the power of self-care for achieving a more peaceful, fulfilling NOW. She believes “Living in the NOW™” is the secret to making each day your best. Happy NOW!

On her website, ZitoProHealth.com, PJ offers guidance on self-care priorities and prayerful meditation work. She has composed 30 songs and is creating music videos to share. Her signature book, “Living in the NOW™: The Secret to Making Each Day Your Best” provides a workable, journal-type platform for lasting change by guiding the reader through 40 days of self-help work.

Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, PJ moved to Cleveland, Ohio to join the Sisters of the Incarnate Word Religious Community, where she spent 10 years growing in prayer, service, and awareness of sharing life’s abundance. PJ continues to be an Associate Member of the Community today. After this, she worked in education for 27 years as an elementary classroom teacher, math and reading tutor, and reading intervention specialist. She was a musician and singer in the Contemporary Musicians Group, interpreting for deaf friends, and being actively involved in ministry for 35 years at her parish church in Ohio. PJ and her husband, John, have been married for over 45 years and have raised four happily married adult children and their spouses who have blessed them with seven grandchildren who are always “Living in the NOW™.”

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