Feelin’ The Chemistry by Melissa Knight

Feelin' The Chemistry by Melissa Knight

Feelin’ The Chemistry by Melissa Knight

There’s a chemistry to great relationships…

Meet Casey Campbell, a blond, blue-eyed nerd who loves lists, tacos, and hanging out with the friends she grew up with in her small Texas town. As a high school sophomore, everything is going her way, including dating the perfect guy- her dreamy first boyfriend!

When her mother remarries, however, quick decisions are made which change almost everything. Casey must deal with all the new stuff – becoming part of a stepfamily including three (gulp!) stepbrothers, moving to a new home in an unfamiliar town, transferring to the much-bigger Rayburn High in the middle of the year, and dealing with a Chemistry lab partner who may be just a little too goofy (but who does have these amazing chocolatey brown eyes.) And then there’s the heartache left over from her old life, like feeling completely betrayed by her now-former best friend.

In the mix of old and new, Casey starts asking the hard questions. How do I know when a decision is going to turn out well, or not? Are snap judgments of people a good idea?
And then… is the faith in God that I used to have as a child still there? What does God want from me, and how on earth do I figure it out?

Join Casey on the first day in her first class at Rayburn High, where she will begin to learn a few “chemistry” secrets in all of her relationships, including a possible new romance.

Feelin’ The Chemistry by Melissa Knight

About the Author

Melissa Knight lives in west Texas with the guy who stole her heart, her husband! Their two children are grown and flown. A former high school teacher, she loves to write clean, Christian romance stories that entertain, encourage and challenge young adult readers. Melissa has had articles and short stories published in various teen and children’s publications.

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