Feelings First Shadow Work by Benjy Sherer: A Simple Approch to Self Love and Emotional Mastery

Feelings First Shadow Work by Benjy Sherer

Feelings First Shadow Work by Benjy Sherer

The biggest misconception around emotional healing that keeps people going in circles for years or even decades is that it is an intellectual activity. Most likely you’ve been trying to solve your emotional issues by searching for the root cause, right? Trying to track down the initial core trauma that happened? Trying to figure out all the psychological logic behind your harmful patterns? That’s ALL intellectual.

Inner healing is not intellectual, it’s emotional. Shadow work is not about chasing down all your past trauma. It’s about learning how to release all the unresolved emotions inside of you. It’s about building emotional muscle and confronting the uncomfortable feelings that come up in a healthy way that allows us to release them. Healing can be simple. It can be about feeling good, instead of analyzing your pain.

In this book, I’ll show you how to bypass your brain and connect directly to your heart to release your past triggers and traumas so that you can start living without fear, guilt, shame, anxiety, and more…

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

Feelings First Shadow Work by Benjy Sherer

About the Author

Benjy Sherer has spent the last 5 years as a mental health coach, teaching his own unique methods of emotional healing to people who had struggled for decades to find relief from their mental health struggles with standard approaches. His work has helped people overcome things like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more, but the truth is that his work is far more over-arching and relevant than being about overcoming any specific single or group of symptoms. It’s about developing an overarching sense of personal mastery to be able to conquer any challenge that one faces, whether that be internal or external.

He describes his approach as ‘Emotional Fitness Training’, likening emotional healing to physiotherapy: There are muscles and skills that have atrophied over time and which we have built defense mechanisms around to avoid impacting the sensitive parts of ourselves. While that’s a fine short-term solution in moments of trauma, in the long run, it causes more harm than good. Therefore, to heal, it’s not about finding or analyzing the root of the initial injury, it’s about rebuilding the appropriate muscles and learning how to walk again.

Benjy gives his clients practical skills, tools and wisdom that last a lifetime and that build over time, allowing them to rediscover and express their true selves to the world in ways that they had long ago given up on.

Benjy prides himself on his integrity, his compassion, and on the ripple effect he has on the world by healing one person at a time.

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