Give Peace a Chance by Jia Sharma

Give Peace a Chance by Jia Sharma

How do Marie and Betty take it when a war supposedly happening far away starts to impact their very own lives?

Their story uncovers the bond of family and friendship. From meeting new people to drifting apart from the old. Read “Give Peace a Chance” as Marie and Betty soon distance from one another while meeting Lucy and Arlene, two childhood friends not unlike Marie and Betty. Will Marie and Betty get back together and in doing so what happens to Lucy and Arlene? Read this wholesome novel now to know the answer to these questions and much more.

Give Peace a Chance by Jia Sharma

About the Author

I am the author of “Give Peace a Chance.” I was born in 2010 and love reading and writing books on the issues that I care about most. I have a teenage brother, a mother, and a father in my family, to whom I am very thankful for guiding me towards writing and expressing my thoughts. I live in Redmond, Washington, USA. My favourite hobbies are writing, sketching, and active sports.

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