Grace by Jose Cruz Medina

Grace by Jose Cruz Medina

Grace by Jose Cruz Medina

Caroline Weber, a young female pilot working for a secret military group in the 1960s, struggles with depression, anxiety, and PTSD after witnessing her family’s murder.

She is determined to avenge her family’s death but her life takes a turn when she rescues a child, who teaches her that the best revenge is forgiveness, and through her love and charisma, overcomes her traumas.

Life goes back to normal but one last mission forces Caroline to decide between her happiness and her duties.

Grace by Jose Cruz Medina

About the Author

What drives your work?

Ethics-based fiction is what drives my stories. A strong emotional story with an ethical dilemma is what I tend to show the readers.

Why ethics?

Ethics through fiction is a great way to explore ourselves and our nature.

Who are some of your favorite Authors?

Stephen King, Nicholas Sparks, John Green, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gabriel Garcia Marquez….

What’s your Favorite Color?


Where do you live?

Ventura County, California.

What do you do for fun?

I enjoy running and it’s become something that I try to do on a daily basis. I also enjoy cooking, baking, and trying different foods. A lot of my Netflix and YouTube lists consist of people going out into the world, trying new foods, meeting new people, and understanding other cultures through their food.

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