Herald Of The Past by George T.K.

Herald Of The Past by George T.K.

He breaks free after millennia in the magical prison he had been thrown into, and one of the few things he remembers is his name. Arin Lokkar. They will pay for what they have done, whoever they are. However long it takes, his revenge will be served in blood. Yet, Arin’s first priority is survival, and everything around him seems to be trying to end his plans prematurely. A so-called “system” bombards him with information, further confusing his messed-up brain struggling to make sense of the few memories left. On his way to the truth about himself, he will meet new allies, old enemies, and insidious organizations with terrifying goals. On top of it all, madness creeps in slowly but surely… However, whether the past is something that Arin truly wants to reveal remains to be seen.

Herald Of The Past by George T.K.

About the Author

Hello, my name is Georgi, and I have the honor of being born in one of the most beautiful places in Europe. Bulgaria is a corner of paradise that touches the soul of everyone who decides to visit it. Until recently, I used every spare second to sink into the sea of ​​thousands of books I have lined up to read, but something in me was pushing to a new beginning. A beginning that brought me immense pleasure was writing my first book and reaching people in a way I never suspected I could.

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