Hexen Blood (Dracula Duology Book #1) by Lucille J. Knight

Hexen Blood (Dracula Duology Book #1) by Lucille J. Knight

Who Wants to Live Forever?

Not Alucard. To Alucard, eternal life has grown stale and predictable. What is there to do for a vampire who has existed for centuries, seen kingdoms rise and fall, and enjoyed every imaginable pleasure? Alucard has seen it all and is convinced there are no more surprises.

As an unmarried woman in quaint, rural England at the turn of the 19th century, Eve is expected to focus on the most important aspects of her future: finding a suitable husband and raising children. Instead, she keeps getting lost in daydreams of romance and adventure. She doesn’t want to live forever. She just wants to live.

Will Eve have the courage to follow her own path? Will Alucard find something worth living for?

Alucard fixed her with an intense stare, capturing her gaze with his own. “What are you, Evelyn Thorne?”

Notes from the Author:
Mature, consensual sex warning.
This is the first book in a planned duology but can be read as a standalone novel.

Hexen Blood (Dracula Duology Book #1) by Lucille J. Knight

About the Author

Lucille J. Knight has always been a storyteller. She started writing at the age of 10 after being inspired by the movie Dragonheart, but it was through her love of Star Wars that she discovered a true passion for the written word. Books and writing provided a much needed outlet during her rough teen years and now, as an author herself, she hopes to pass that gift on to others with her own stories.

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