I Forgot Me by Cecilia Okugo

I Forgot Me by Cecilia Okugo

 I Forgot Me by Cecilia Okugo

“I Forgot Me” by Cecilia Okugo is a compelling exploration of self-discovery and personal transformation. The book begins with the protagonist, Umay, grappling with a profound sense of lost identity as she gazes into the mirror, seeing a stranger instead of herself. The narrative delves into Umay’s journey through various relationships where she constantly adapted to meet the expectations of her partners, ultimately losing sight of her own passions and desires. The book intricately portrays how Umay’s endless giving and self-sacrifice in love left her feeling empty and disconnected from her true self.

 I Forgot Me by Cecilia Okugo

About the Author

Cecilia Okugo began her journey as a writer at the young age of 15, crafting short stories that showcased her vivid imagination and storytelling prowess. Her creative pursuits led her to graduate as a web designer and graphic designer/illustrator at 25, where she honed her skills in visual arts and digital media. With a deep passion for narrative and aesthetics, Cecilia transitioned into becoming a published author on Amazon, sharing her stories with a wider audience. In addition to her literary achievements, she embraced her interest in technology by becoming an AI Prompt and Tool Engineer, where she explores the innovative intersections of AI and creativity. Outside of her professional endeavors, Cecilia is an avid enthusiast of music, film, and film history, drawing inspiration from these art forms to enrich her multifaceted career.

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