I, Jetebais by Robert Bishop

I, Jetebais by Robert Bishop

I, Jetebais by Robert Bishop

Building on the theme of separation and restoration that is inherent in faith, can a fallen angel achieve redemption after rebellion? Human arrogance, the Papacy, and the eternal struggle of Good versus Evil collide in this contemporary suspense novel by Robert Martin Bishop. Readers will enjoy a front-row seat to Creation as well as many other Biblical and historical events. Anyone who enjoys religious mysteries, such as Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, is sure to enjoy this book.

I, Jetebais by Robert Bishop

About the Author

I grew up the “pastor’s kid” in 1960’s Bristol, Connecticut. There was a church on every corner representing every branch of the Christian faith imaginable. Almost every church had a school associated with it. The divisions that existed between the churches were at the very core of what defined social norms – including which side of the street you walked on.

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