Incredible Adventures in the Tooth Kingdom by Dinara Akbay


Incredible Adventures in the Tooth Kingdom by Dinara Akbay

Tim loves sweets but doesn’t like brushing his teeth. He magically ends up in the tooth kingdom, where bacteria and microbes live. King Drakaries lures him to his castle and asks Tim to help him catch his main enemy. When Tim finds out that this enemy is his best friend Jim, he decides to escape from the castle. In this, he is helped by the spy of the kind King Emalius. Tim finds Jim and together they go in search of the almighty wizard imprisoned by the evil king. On the way, they have to go through many tests, solve riddles, and show courage and dedication.

Incredible Adventures in the Tooth Kingdom by Dinara Akbay

About the Author

I’m Dinara Akbay, a children’s book author, songwriter and mother of three kids. I adore writing fantasy and magic books for kids. They inspire me with their unbridled imagination, teach me happiness and help in opening boundaries into unknown worlds.

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