Inherent by LaToya Lawrence: The Birthright

Inherent by LaToya Lawrence_ The Birthright

Inherent by LaToya Lawrence

The Bledsoe Clan- Occult Power in The Bloodline

From Caul births to the calling of the Orishas into the pathways of the Yoruba religion to the mystical powers that inhabit the universe.

Festivity, food, fashion, creative celebratory culture. Living a lifestyle aligned to their nature.

Unorthodox, unapologetic, and unafraid.

Wishing well are wishes that come true as they do for Emery Bledsoe. In her rich culture and heritage, she learned early what she was able to do.

The enigma to attract what she wanted had uncannily come as an advantage throughout her unusual, extraordinary life.

In what she has taken for a natural stroke of luck in her transcendent genealogy of hidden bloodline turns into something far more eldritch and unnerving than she ever thought imaginable once she receives a bestowal handed down to her in the form of a stunning vase.

A family heirloom presented as a beautiful gift turns into an odious curse that Emery is unable to break away from.
In the escape of her world where all the doors have shut closed will she find the key to forever set her free?

Inherent by LaToya Lawrence

About the Author

LaToya has enjoyed her love and hobby for writing that she turned into a professional career.

Publishing her first two books over twenty years ago marked the beginning of a journey for many more books to come in this prolific author’s talented history.

Born and raised in Queens, New York LaToya was presented with the offer to get published by a mainstream publisher at the age of eleven.

A natural-born writer who is extremely creative, intuitive, and ahead of her time as she was born with extra sensory perception Latoya knew by age twelve where her destiny would take her as an artist in her lifetime.

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