It Is What It Is by Julie Saeger Nierenberg
It Is What It Is: Learning to Live with My Brain Tumor by Julie Saeger Nierenberg
I wrote this manuscript as a journal documentation of my brain tumor diagnosis, discovery and decision-making process, a journey spanning approximately twelve months, leading up to my final chosen method of treatment.
Some of the chapters are humorous, some rather poignant and some include a lot of medical details. My whole point was to let readers know what that was like, a long and involved investigative process.
I include some self-coaching strategies, helpful resources and lots of email exchanges with friends, family and doctors. May all who read this find something in its chapters that resonates with your head and heart.
Each of us, when we live with eyes and hearts wide open, meet with opportunities to transform seeming negativity into positive experiences.
When we encounter a challenging person or situation, we may think reactively:
“How can I make this quickly go away?”
How different life can be when we consciously hold this thought instead,
“How may I transform this experience into Light? Truth? Hope? Love?
How may I harness this situation to make a lasting change in me?”
The Universe sends gifts in many, varied and unusual guises. Am I ready to receive them? Are you?