Karen’s Bright Red Pussy Goes To Work by James Greenless


Karen’s Bright Red Pussy Goes To Work by James Greenless

Karen and her bright red Pussy discreetly divulge their thoughts that make you question whether there may be a subtle undercurrent of satirical naughtiness. This book is clean for children but would be advised under parental guidance. Living in hard financial times, Karen has no option but to send her bright red Pussy into the employment world to rake in some pennies. In a spectacular series of events, Karen’s pussy finds a job, but can he hold it down? Read on and find out.

Karen’s Bright Red Pussy Goes To Work by James Greenless

About the Author

I have been involved with crass parody in one form or another since I can remember. I am an old soul, and ‘Curseanova’ is my first self-published book, having written numerous satirical articles for ‘Figure 8 media’. I have mapped out an idea for a second novel, so get ready to not buy it. I currently work full-time for a North American Insurance Company, and despite the content of this book, I live happily with my girlfriend of five years now in South East Essex. My favorite saying is ‘morons take a knife and stab people in the back, whereas the wise take a knife, cut the cord, and set themselves free from the morons’. I listen to and DJ vinyl only jungle and drum and bass music, and often carve a face into jacket potatoes before I stick them in the oven, as It’s always nice to have some company for dinner. My pipeline dream is to have enough money to build a modern and self-sufficient off-grid home in a remote part of the World, such as Alaska, and my best friend at work is whichever one brings cake and sausage rolls into the office for sharing, which today was Brenda – I love that old trout. I am a firm believer that Zombies DO exist, having once looked at myself in the mirror before my breakfast Red Bull. Finally, I find it strange that when a cat licks its bottom people find it ‘cute’, yet when I do it, everybody on the train refers to me as a ‘weirdo’.

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