Laughingstock by Crawford Smith

Laughingstock by Crawford Smith

Laughingstock by Crawford Smith

A missing comedian; a “dead” celebrity; a secret comics’ hideout – Duckie Dunne must find them all.

Duckie’s original comedy partner, Chuck Marshall, has the stand-up world in the palm of his hand: big-time gigs, streaming specials and his own network TV show.

Then Chuck mysteriously disappears.

Deeply worried, Duckie sets out to locate his friend. He enlists the aid of Cheryl, daughter of the late comedy legend Mickey Gross. However, Mickey may not be quite as dead as everyone thinks.

Sparks fly between Duckie and Cheryl as their search takes them from the deserts of Arizona to the forests of British Columbia. Along the way, they must contend with a slippery Buddhist monk, a megalomaniac network executive and a psycho self-help guru.

At the end of their long, strange trip is the mysterious Laughingstock and an explosive comedy showdown!

Laughingstock by Crawford Smith

About the Author

Crawford Smith rises every morning at 4:30 to meditate, exercise and eat a healthy breakfast. Or so he would have us believe.

He also claims to have mastered both engineering and architecture, and says he has documentation to prove it, but few have seen it.

What is known is that he can quote an unsettling amount of material from Monty Python and The Simpsons. He is also the author of Jackrabbit (2019), a speculative retelling of the career of gangster John Dillinger. This was followed by Powwows (2021) and Fester (2021) – tales of the strange and hilarious goings-on in the town of Fester, Pennsylvania. In 2024, he released Laughingstock, a story of the weird underbelly of standup comedy.

He hangs out in Portland, Oregon.

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