Like A Box of Chocolates: A Collection of Poetry by Justin Bienvenue

Like A Box of Chocolates: A Collection of Poetry by Justin Bienvenue

Like A Box of Chocolates: A Collection of Poetry by Justin Bienvenue

Journey into the raw reality and wondrously creative world of poetry Grab a copy to read something new and extraordinary today!

Like A Box of Chocolates: A Collection of Poetry by Justin Bienvenue

About the Author

Shakespearean by day and Poe-esque by night, Justin Bienvenue is a unique poet devoted to giving his readers thought-provoking, vivid visuals with captivating words sure to stay with them long after reading. What started as a way to pass time in school developed into a fun career where people know him for his way with words. Like the poets before him, he just wants to write and bring joy to readers.

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