Ludik and the Runaway Mountain by John Ilho

Ludik and the Runaway Mountain by John Ilho

Ludik and the Runaway Mountain by John Ilho

Most people call me Ludi or Lud, even though my name is Ludik. Or they do call me Ludik, but I can’t catch the k on their lips. No, it doesn’t bother me—being deaf, that is. Still, if given the choice, I would’ve gone with ugly.

There are many misconceptions about deafness, but the oddest to me is that we are void of sound, which is simply not true. And it’s with a sound that my story begins.

With the earth-shattering thunder of a runaway mountain.

The mountain destroyed everything I’ve ever known. My village, my friends, my family. All gone. I don’t care why it ran. I’ll make sure it never moves again.

Ludik and the Runaway Mountain by John Ilho

About the Author

John Ilho was born in Portugal in 1986. After a successful career as a chef, he put his knives away to pursue his lifelong passion for creative writing.

A passion that prompted the launch of Don’t Panic—It’s Only a Novel, a writing guide designed to help other aspiring writers hone their craft.

In fact, John talks about writing so much his wife told him that unless he has anything to say unrelated to writing, he should keep his mouth shut.

John currently lives in Norway with his wife and two sons in complete and utter silence.

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