Man With No Means by DSI

Man With No Means by DSI

Ever imagined if time makes you travel faster than your surroundings?

“Man with no means” is the story of Shankar, a man who lives only for a day in each stage of his life to vanish into an unknown place after every time he encounters a leafless tree. Why is he disappearing? Where is he going? What is it with the leafless tree?

A common link connects all stages of his life, where he is a 14-year adventurous boy who vanishes from a jungle trail to a 32-year-old hardworking professional who goes missing from a mill, followed by a 55-year-old wise man who was last seen in a botanical lab and then finally to an 80-year-old saint living in solitude on the foothills of Himalayas.

Then comes the moment of truth answering why destiny played a fast forward with Shankar, connecting the dots!

The book takes the reader through an adventurous journey with five different settings across timelines and concludes with the truth behind Shankar’s encounters. It is a work of fiction with a touch of realism. The story questions the core means of man in this world around the dynamic nature of life and has some interesting thoughts and revelations on the fundamentals of time and the purpose of existence.

A short and crisp dose of philosophy and mystery bundled into an ebook.

Lost was man, in his mind. Trying to seek an answer otherwise. Lost in the mundane, in his life. Overlooking the magic that sat just beside! – Man with no means, A philosophical mystery fiction. Pick your copy today to find your own answer!

Man With No Means by DSI

About the Author

Fiction Writer from the Indian Subcontinent.

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