Mary’s Christmas Story by Lucinda Weeks

Mary’s Christmas Story by Lucinda Weeks

On the night of her father’s death, young Mary is visited by the angel Gabriel who brings her a message of comfort and peace that God has chosen her to become the mother of the Messiah. Mary gladly accepts God’s glorious plan for her life. However, Mary soon finds that she has many challenges ahead of her as her own mother and her beloved Joseph finds it hard to believe. This is a beautiful and exciting look at the life of Mary and the close relationship that she has with Jesus. Told according to protestant belief it tells about the romance she shares with her husband Joseph. This story focuses on the first 12 years of Jesus life. It is filled with beautiful stories of what his childhood might have been like. It is a story of redemption and healing for those around Jesus.

Mary’s Christmas Story by Lucinda Weeks

About the Author

I have been writing fiction as a hobby since I was eight. I’ve written as a ghostwriter for national magazine’s and websites. I have been a Christian believer in Jesus Christ for more than thirty years and began writing Christian fiction as a way of sharing Christ’s love, and to share with others the talent he gave me to write. I strive to write in a way that glorifies Christ first of all and to show in my writings of his divine love and mercy.

In 2005 I earned a degree in biblical studies from Ambassadors of Faith Christian Center and Seminary in Saint Joseph, Missouri which has helped enhance my Biblically based writings.

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