Meeting Life by Anthony Trahair

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 Meeting Life by Anthony Trahair

 “This book is for anyone who has lost (or has struggled to find) the courage to heed the call of their heart and travel.”

Just days after arriving in France in 1996, shy, fresh from completing a degree in Chemistry, with only £50, his backpack, and his passion for juggling, Anthony finds himself hungry and alone. He takes to the streets and starts impromptu street performing. He realises that this is his ticket out of a conventional life plan, to a self-sufficient way of living where he could be himself: a player rather than just a spectator.

Liberating, humorous, and insightful, this travel journal has something for everyone in this unusual and authentic tale. Meeting Life is based on Anthony’s 1996 European adventure and the life lessons he has learned since. If you want inspiration from a story to go out and boldly live the adventure you’ve always wanted, you’ll relish this book and find it invaluable in playing at the game of life your heart knows is possible.

“Anthony Trahair’s new book teaches us in the most playful way how vital it is to our happiness to seize the day, find the joy, live with a wise twinkle in our eyes. As opposed to so many fever-browed approaches to the well-lived life, this is as exhilarating as defying gravity by keeping several juggling balls in the air at once. Read this book and smile!”

— Phil Cousineau, author of The Art of Pilgrimage and The Book of Roads, and editor of The Hero’s Journey: The Life and Work of Joseph Campbell

“Anthony is someone I’d love to go on an adventure with. He brings such lightness, sincerity, playfulness and a heart that is strong, full, open and clear. This book isn’t a ‘how to’ book. It’s not full of formulas and aphorisms. It’s full of something much more useful. It’s full of stories”.
— Tad Hargrave, founder of

 Meeting Life by Anthony Trahair

About the Author

Anthony’s life changed when he learnt how to juggle in 1994. He was the last person on the planet that thought he would be able to accomplish such a dextrous feat. In a flash he saw so many of his beliefs about his abilities fall away.

Since 1999, when he was 24, he has held residential workshops for jugglers. They were inspired by the book The Zen of Juggling by Dave Finnigan. They were a blend of Yoga, dance, juggling as a practice, expression and community living. They were powerful experiences that taught him a lot about guiding a group and how to get the best out of his students.

In 2015 he put all his understanding of juggling, as a practice, Yoga and Physical Theatre and wrote a book called Pearls of Juggling aimed at inspiring self-taught jugglers into Art.

Playfulness came into his life big time when in 2017 he was wondering what he had to offer the world. What did the world need that he had to offer? It was playfulness. He read all he could, recorded interviews, went to a festival in Denmark and even organised his own playfulness festival that he now holds yearly towards the end of June, in Italy – The Giocosamente Festival

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