Nameless Vs The Army of the Dead by Brett Comeau

Nameless Vs The Army of the Dead by Brett Comeau

Nameless Vs The Army of the Dead by Brett Comeau

 Is A Coming of Age Fantasy/Horror Story.
It’s Harry Potter meets the 13th warrior…

One, Two they’re coming for you.
Three Four, Lock your door.
Five Six, Darkling Tricks
Seven Eight will seal your fate,
Nine Ten they will kill again

The 1800’s city of Geneva is plagued by Darklings, cloaked figures who kidnap and murder its impoverished residents during the night.
While the rich hide safely behind their high stone walls the penniless are forced to patrol their own borders to ward off the evil foes.
When a nameless, deformed indentured servant comes of age he is forced into the night to protect the city, he becomes an unlikely hero that saves the mayor’s daughter from a Darkling attack.
But the nameless boy realizes there is more to the Darklings than the city’s residents have been told.
Joined by the mayor’s daughter and his only friend another local boy, he investigates the cause of the attacks. What they uncover is far blacker than the cloaks of the Darklings

Nameless Vs The Army of the Dead by Brett Comeau

About the Author

Author Brett Comeau was born in Boston Mass and makes his home in Harrisburg PA with his wife Linda and their cat Chirp

Growing up there was a large age gap between him and his older brothers and sister. This led Brett to being alone a lot growing up, he started creating stories and adventures with his toys, when his mother give him a box full of old Tom Swift adventure books and encouraged him in reading. Brett had new worlds opened up to him with these new books. Later on when his Friend Matt R lent him his copy of the Forgotten Realms the Crystal Shard the rest was history Brett found his one true love, Fantasy.

Ever since then Brett has been a fan of fiction stories especially sci fi and fantasy from when he was kid he started with the forgotten realms books, the dragon lance books, lord of the rings and comics. He later moved onto more adult books like Game of thrones, the Gunslinger series by Stephen King and independent self published books.

Other than tellings stories Brett loves to play poker and practice martial arts Including Uechi-Ryu, Iaido and Kenjutsu He also teaches kickboxing at the YCMA in his area.

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