Navigating Amazon Publishing by B Alan Bourgeois

Navigating Amazon Publishing by B Alan Bourgeois

Navigating Amazon Publishing by B Alan Bourgeois

Navigating Amazon Publishing: A Comprehensive Guide for Authors by B Alan Bourgeois

Are you an aspiring author seeking to publish your work? Amazon offers a wealth of opportunities, but navigating this vast platform with a clear understanding of its strengths and potential challenges is essential.

“Navigating Amazon Publishing” provides valuable insights into why many authors choose Amazon and the factors you should weigh before deciding.

Navigating Amazon Publishing: A Comprehensive Guide for Authors by B Alan Bourgeois

About the Author

Alan Bourgeois began his writing career at 12, writing screenplays for the Adam-12 show. Despite not submitting them for review, this experience sparked his passion for writing. However, he followed the advice of his generation and pursued higher education to secure a stable job. It wasn’t until 1989, after taking a writing class at a community college, that Bourgeois wrote a published short story. Since then, he has written over 48 short stories and published over ten books, including the award-winning spiritual thriller “Extinguishing the Light.”

Bourgeois has become a champion for authors and founded the Texas Authors Association in 2011 to help Texas authors better market and sell their books. This led to the creation of the Texas Authors Institute of History, Inc., and the first online museum of its kind, the Texas Authors Institute. He also created several short story contests and fundraising programs for Texas students. He consolidated small-town book festivals into the Lone Star Festival, promoting Texas authors, musicians, artists, and filmmakers. 2016, he founded the Authors Marketing Event and added a Certification program in 2017, allowing attendees to gain accreditation for their hard work in learning book marketing. His recent focus has been on assisting authors of all levels to become successful Authorpreneurs through the Authors School of Business, which offers programs to help grow their careers. He is currently working with NFTs for authors to help them increase their income channels.

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