Never Look Inside By Oliver Trusler

Never Look Inside By Oliver Trusler

Never Look Inside By Oliver Trusler

Deep in the darkness of a fractured mind a dark secret resides.
An unsolved string of disappearances plague the streets of Bancroft, a serial killer lurks in the shadows.

Just who is out there picking off the innocent? The prime suspect seems the clear choice but he doesn’t remember anything, is there more to him than meets the eye?

As the case unfolds, someone more sinister emerges. Is he connected to a mysterious force? Set in a world where abilities beyond human comprehension exist.

With mind-bending twists and unfathomable secrets, Never Look Inside will keep you guessing through its intense and gripping story as to who is an ally and who is an enemy.

Get ready for a thriller that will have you questioning the world around you.

Never Look Inside By Oliver Trusler

About the Author

I’ve wanted to be a writer all my life and used to write short stories, poetry and song lyrics in my teens.

I studied film at university and specialised in screen-writing but somewhere along the way I lost the passion, I settled into to doing other things but the writing was always in the back of my mind.

I have a lot of weird and very vivid dreams, doctors think I probably have adhd but waiting to hear on that!

These dreams lead to some interesting story ideas, such as the six-legged cat in my first novel.

I’m a big fan of quirky contemporary fiction such as Chuck Palahniuk and Jason Pargin and although I am nowhere near their league I think they have influenced my writing a great deal.

I read a lot of books and comics ranging from the classics to the modern.

One day I had an idea for a story revolving around a man who could detach his limbs at will, that story developed into I Must Get Back To The Woods, my first completed novel.

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