Nucleus by Daniel Adrien Laverdière

Nucleus by Daniel Adrien Laverdière

Nucleus by Daniel Adrien Laverdière

Nucleus, a masterful work in crescendo, a possible story written with prosaic verve, a destiny scenario mixing thriller, investigations, conspiracies, crimes, science fiction and war.

In the tense heart of global geopolitics, a latent conflict threatens to erupt into an irreversible nuclear confrontation. The President of the United States receives a cold ultimatum from the Kremlin, threatening to use advanced teleportation technology capable of moving nuclear weapons instantly across the world. Faced with this unprecedented threat, a dangerous game of power and diplomacy is taking place, endangering global security.

Nucleus by Daniel Adrien Laverdière

About the Author

Multidisciplinary artist an author since 1975, wrote 85 books so far. I have led creative writing workshops for over 20 years.

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