Obtaining the Kingdom by Maurice Barratt

Obtaining the Kingdom by Maurice Barratt

Obtaining the Kingdom by Maurice Barratt

In this volume Maurice continues with the parables and hard sayings of Jesus. In Part One he looks at sayings that are a preparation for the coming Kingdom of God on earth, and in Part Two he looks at the conditions a Believer has to meet to be a part of this kingdom. Maurice argues that all Believers saved by faith will inherit eternal life, but not all will inherit the kingdom. This book will challenge your views on eternal life and the millennial reign of Jesus when he returns to this earth in the very near future.

Obtaining the Kingdom by Maurice Barratt

About the Author

Maurice Barratt is a director of Barratt Ministries in Manchester, England. His teaching ministry is characterized by penetrating insights and practical wisdom, bringing the teaching of the Bible into clear focus and unlocking the keys to living a radical Christian lifestyle today. He is the author of 27 books. He is married to Joanna who has also authored many books. They have three grown up children.

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