Of Gears and Gaslight by Justin Bienvenue

Of Gears and Gaslight by Justin Bienvenue

Of Gears and Gaslight by Justin Bienvenue

When a train engineer and monk’s lives are transformed, will their new worlds become mechanically magical or filled with dark despair?

Two worlds will discover the power of clockwork and machinery…

Of Gears and Gaslight by Justin Bienvenue

About the Author

Justin Bienvenue is a New England-based writer and poet who has written 12 books. He is the author of the psychological horror series, The Wax Factory, and the horror poetry series, The Macabre Masterpiece.

Justin is a big football fan and always reserves Sundays for watching games. He’s never had coffee and instead prefers to get his caffeine fix from Mountain Dew Code Red. His favorite movie is The Shining, and he’s such a fan that he has 5 Shining shirts and even a rug from the movie.

Due to his fascination with the unexplained and his belief in the bizarre, Justin hopes to one day become a Ufologist. He is also interested in Egyptology and has a substantial collection of Egyptian artifacts.

Justin is the host of the Youtube series Mystery Unsolved and Mystery Ghost Stories. In these series, he discusses some of the world’s most unsolved mysteries, conspiracy theories, and paranormal ghost stories.

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