On the Run by Maranda Collins

On the Run by Maranda Collins

On the Run by Maranda Collins


Officer Sadie Lynch’s world was a simple one. She served her community in a Kansas City suburb, keeping people safe and catching the bad guys. It was a lonely life with only her elderly grandfather for companionship, but at least everything made sense. That world came crashing to an end the day a mysterious assassin tried to murder Grandpa in his nursing home.

Before Sadie could blink, she and Grandpa were on the run, and nothing was simple anymore. Friendly suburban housewives were shooting at them, good guys were stealing cars to stay alive, and Grandpa’s former career working for the government was turning out to be something far more sinister. Their only hope for saving themselves lay in a forbidding ex-Navy SEAL. But could anyone be trusted when their shadowy adversary had eyes and ears everywhere they ran?

Get your copy of the Clive Cussler Grandmaster Finalist, On the Run to find out if tough and determined Sadie has what it takes to survive.

On the Run by Maranda Collins

About the Author

With a flair for the dramatic and a tendency toward exaggeration, it makes perfect sense for Maranda Collins to write novels. After years of writing scientific articles, educational proposals, and sales copy, Maranda made the jump to fiction and capturing the stories burning holes in her brain. Maranda lives in Chanute, Kansas with her high school sweetheart and now husband, Wade, along with a menagerie of critters on their small farm. Her passions include agriculture, exercise/nutrition, reading, and traveling. She is the proud mother of two adult children, Sage and Lawson.

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