Paradise Reborn by Nick Bileci

Paradise Reborn by Nick Bileci

Paradise Reborn by Nick Bileci

This is the second installment in the Paradise Collection.

This book continues the story of the first book called The Souls of Paradise.

In this book, we follow Gwen Murphy as a strange turn of events brings her back to her hometown of Reedsville, New York.

Gwen is forced to encounter her demons and uncover the truth behind a medication that is harming the towns people.

This book dives deeper into the events of the first book with some returning faces and some new and unforgettable ones. This book tackles tough subjects from mental health, self-harm, addiction, and trauma.

Paradise Reborn by Nick Bileci

About the Author

Nick Bileci is an avid writer who attended the Art Institute of Pittsburg Online Division in the hope to one day create his masterpiece.

He has always been into writing themes of modern horror that most people can relate to. His greatest work is his 8-year old daughter Alanna.

Nick hopes to reach out and grab his readers through his words and allow them to be immersed into the world he has created within his writing. Nick’s ultimate goal is to make his mark in the horror genre and help his readers relate to common mental health themes.

Nick Bileci was born and raised in Sussex County New Jersey and still lives there today. Nick’s service in the United States Navy allowed him to see many things in his life. His writing and dialogues are heavily influenced on real life memories mixed in with some fictitious fillings.

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