Project Human by Bea Waters

Project Human by Bea Waters

Project Human by Bea Waters

Olivia Carpenter hates her life. The kids at school bully her… even her dad treats her like a disease. When Olivia runs away, she doesn’t expect to be beamed up by telepathic aliens and transported halfway across the galaxy, where she discovers a universe teeming with intelligent life – including twelve alien tribes who have engineered human DNA to suit their needs. Caught in the crosshairs of a galactic tug of war, she’s sworn to secrecy about her “Terran” origins until an attempt on her life forces her to trust her new alien friends with her identity. Will Olivia be able to unravel the mystery of Project Human before she’s permanently silenced?

Project Human by Bea Waters

About the Author

I’ve been writing stories since childhood. Back then it was my way of coping with the incessant bullying, but today I hope to provide an escape into adventure for those who need one, while fostering a sense of belonging and cooperation. My favourite characters are the weirdos, those who have been downcast by the status quo because the future is never created by the status quo. My favourite themes center around the secrets we keep and the quest to find our community, our people.

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