Promptcraft by Evo Heyning

Promptcraft by Evo Heyning

The Promptcraft Guidebook by Evo Heyning is a comprehensive guide to writing exceptional prompts and conducting experiments with AI tools. In this book, the author delves into the language and creative process of working with prompts, providing readers with the tools and techniques needed to craft prompts that inspire, challenge, and stimulate the imagination. With step-by-step guidance and expert insights, Evo leads readers through the process of developing and testing their own prompts, offering practical advice on everything from crafting an engaging story to optimizing the language for AI tools. The book also explores the latest advancements in AI technology and how they can be leveraged to enhance the creative process.

Evo provides case studies of real-world applications, highlighting the exciting potential of AI tools to unlock new levels of creativity and imagination. The guidebook also features a wealth of resources and tools, including templates, tips, secret recipes, and sample prompts to help people get started with prompt generators and make the most of their creative experiments. Whether you’re an aspiring writer, or artist, or curious to try new tools, the Promptcraft Guidebook is the first accessible resource for anyone looking to tap into the power of prompts and AI tools. Filled with insights, tips, and practical advice, this book provides a comprehensive and all-ages-accessible guide to writing great prompts, conducting experiments, and exploring the language and creative process of working with prompts and AI tools.

So if you’re ready to unleash your imagination and take your creative skills to the next level, the Promptcraft Guidebook is the book for you.

Promptcraft by Evo Heyning

About the Author

Evo is a visionary leader and author of the groundbreaking book, “Promptcraft,” and the founder of Realitycraft, a design lab and gallery for new generative creative works. With over 25 years of experience in the interactive media industry, Evo has a deep understanding of the potential of technology to impact society and shape the future. As a seasoned leader in social impact organizations, Evo currently serves as the Vice President of and is a key figure in the Open Metaverse Interoperability community. She is an author, producer, creator and designer committed to using her skills and expertise to create more beautiful worlds together. Realitycraft is the result of Evo’s passion for worldbuilding and her belief in the power of collaborative inquiry and creativity to transform the world. The Realitycraft series of books provides consulting, concept design and development services, and fine art for worldbuilding endeavors, and the “Promptcraft Guidebook” is the first in this series. The guidebook provides readers with a unique framework for using creativity and technology to design new worlds and imagine new possibilities. Evo’s work in the fields of interactive media, worldbuilding and design at Realitycraft have received widespread awards and recognition, and she has been featured in stages for talks around the world such as the 2022 World Government Summit on the future of media and the open metaverse. She is widely regarded as an expert in 3D worldbuilding and design leader in the growing movement to promote the responsible use of technology in our everyday lives with a strong transparent and ethical framework, work she leads at XRGuild.

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