Second David Trials and Tribulations by Joseph Ganci

Select Second David Trials and Tribulations by Joseph Ganci_ Second David Trials and Tribulations by Joseph Ganci

Second David Trials and Tribulations by Joseph Ganci

Vast wealth and greed!… Envy, trickery, lust, murder, and underhanded power grabs! Assassination, attempts, Incest!, and deadly family plotting. Human sacrifice and battling with giants.

Not 21st-century tabloid headlines but the Bible that you THOUGHT you knew:
David and Solomon!…Bathsheba and Absalom!… Joab, David’s chief henchman, and Nathan, the fabled prophet!

Joseph Ganci’s new must-read novel is a time machine, transporting the reader into ancient biblical times, revealing previously unforeseen mysteries, intrigues, and violence.

Second David Trials and Tribulations by Joseph Ganci

About the Author

Joseph made his debut in Brooklyn and is firstborn in Israel. A Levite and a high priest and he, after all, is a fiery Italian. He is a Vietnam combat veteran and an Honors Society’s member. Joseph is a resident of the Lone Star state. He has known three and a half wives and had fathered five daughters. The grist from this novel finds common ground through his one continuous round of scripture study.

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