She Once Was by Heather Picardat

She Once Was by Heather Picardat

She Once Was by Heather Picardat

This second released collection of poems by Heather Picardat following “Set Your Wild Heart Free” explores concepts of raw emotion and visually pleasing structure. She Once Was is an experimental take on physically and emotionally combining aesthetics in a way that gives more meaning to the words.

She Once Was by Heather Picardat

Self-Pub Man’s Opinion: “Picardat’s idea of combining raw emotion and visual beauty in poetry seems creative. Her experimental approach to structure and aesthetics hints at a maturity in style since her last work. While the blurb gives limited information, it suggests a promising collection that expresses feelings through innovative, visually captivating poems. I’m drawn to the potential emotional impact and gravitas implied by the title She Once Was and the blurb’s emphasis on raw emotion. The book seems worth exploring for poetry readers seeking poignant, aesthetically crafted works.”

About the Author

Heather Picardat is. Michigan native writer, artist, and photographer. She has always been interested in discovering the immense meaning of mundane things. Taking that inspiration and throwing her entire heart at it Is how she got through college and ultimately started her own small business. Her complex childhood and early adult traumas led her to an artistic outlet, encouraging her to continue to ask questions, pique her curiosity, listen fully, live in color, and write. Picardat’s poems explore the notion that the challenges and awards that life hands are full of beauty, wonder, hardship, and experience. She has written some of these musings in easier-to-digest prose in the hopes that they reach the right audience.

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