Stuck Fake Dating My Brother’s Best Friend By Bertie Stein

Stuck Fake Dating My Brother’s Best Friend By Bertie Stein

Stuck Fake Dating My Brother’s Best Friend By Bertie Stein

Stuck Fake Dating My Brother’s Best Friend: A Small Town, Sweet Romantic Comedy

Locked in a storage room with my brother’s best friend, was never my plan.

Returning home to Sumner Falls wasn’t my choice either, but I couldn’t say no to an old friend.

Minutes after crossing the threshold into town there he was, and there I went…

I nearly rear-ended another car when I spotted Chad, my teenage secret crush, strolling down the sidewalk.

I didn’t know it then, but I was about to crash for real…into a fake relationship with Chad, for the sake of my brother and my own reputation.

Stuck together with no food, no phone and a cot for one was not how I imagined a night alone with Chad Gallagher.

Now we’re forced into a charade that will leave me either hating Chad or loving him even more.

Stuck Fake Dating My Brother’s Best Friend By Bertie Stein

About the Author

Bertie Stein has been a passionate reader of romance novels her whole life. Especially romance stories from the World War II era. She has stepped out of her comfort zone of reading about these amazing, true to life characters to now writing about them. Her first book, Welcome Home Billionaire, is now available. Buy it today for your Kindle or in paperback.

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