Suicide in Suffolk by D. Ayres

Suicide in Suffolk by D. Ayres

Suicide in Suffolk by D. Ayres

“Suicide in Suffolk by D. Ayres” is a gripping debut novel that delves into the depths of mystery and suspense. Set against the backdrop of the idyllic town of Lowestoft, Suffolk, this cozy mystery follows Cecil Whitford, a compassionate funeral director embroiled in a dark and twisted tale of intrigue.

When Cecil stumbles upon a death that is initially deemed a suicide, he can’t shake the nagging feeling that there is more to the story. Driven by a relentless pursuit of truth and justice, he becomes convinced that the tragedy may be a carefully disguised murder.

Despite skepticism and indifference from the authorities and the community, Cecil refuses to abandon his quest. Seeking an ally in his search for answers, he forms an unlikely partnership with Keeley Cooper, a young and determined police constable who shares his suspicions.

Together, Cecil and Keeley delve into the shadows of Suffolk, navigating a web of secrets, cover-ups, and hidden motives. As they uncover a sinister plot lurking beneath the surface, they find themselves caught in a dangerous game where the lines between ally and adversary blur.

“Suicide in Suffolk” is a captivating, cozy mystery that keeps readers on the edge. With its evocative setting and well-drawn characters, this debut novel offers a thrilling exploration of deception and the relentless pursuit of truth. Prepare to be immersed in a world where darkness conceals secrets, and unraveling the truth may come at a grave cost.

Suicide in Suffolk by D. Ayres

Intrigue in Suffolk: A First Impression of “Suicide in Suffolk by D. Ayres

This description depicts a classic, cozy mystery with a modern twist. Here are some thoughts based solely on the provided information:

Potential Pros:

  • Classic Genre Appeal: Fans of cozy mysteries will likely be drawn to the familiar elements like a small-town setting, an amateur detective, and a seemingly impossible crime.
  • Modern Touches: Including a young female police officer as an ally adds a touch of modernity and potential for interesting character dynamics.
  • Deep Dive into Secrets: The promise of exploring hidden motives and a sinister plot suggests a suspenseful and complex journey for the reader.

Potential Cons:

  • Predictability: The basic structure might feel predictable for seasoned, cozy mystery readers.
  • Limited Setting: Focusing on a single town could potentially confine the story and limit its scope for some readers.
  • Focus on Darkness: While suspenseful, emphasizing “darkness” and “grave cost” might be off-putting to readers who prefer lighter mysteries.


“Suicide in Suffolk by D. Ayres” seems a solid choice for fans of traditional cozy mysteries looking for a suspenseful, character-driven story set in a small-town environment. However, readers who prefer more modern storylines with broader settings or lighter tones might want to consider other options.

Remember, this is just a first impression. The actual writing style, character development, and plot execution will ultimately determine whether this book fits you well. Don’t hesitate to check out reviews from other readers and consider reading a sample chapter before making a final decision.t

About the Author

I’m Batman

By day, I’m a mild-mannered business professional, balancing the demands of work and family. But by night, I transform into a caped crusader of the written word, fighting the forces of mediocrity and boredom with my trusty pen.

I’m not quite Batman, of course. I don’t have a butler or a Batmobile, and I’m not very good at fighting crime. But I do have a passion for storytelling, and I use my writing skills to create worlds and characters that will transport readers on adventures they’ll never forget.

So whether you’re looking for a thrilling escape or a heartwarming read, I invite you to step into my stories and discover the magic of imagination.

P.S. I’m still working on the crime fighting part.

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