Sweet Dreams Heavy Machines by Shane Lege

Sweet Dreams Heavy Machines by Shane Lege

This is a cute little story about five heavy construction vehicles that love to play all day. Once they are done playing, they wash down and settle down for a good night’s rest. This book is great for reading to your special one just before bed or anytime. The book also has a QR code to learn a little more about each character’s hobbies, likes, and dislikes. Great for all ages and a very cute good night story. Your special one will love this book for years to come.

Sweet Dreams Heavy Machines by Shane Lege

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About the Author

Shane Lege is a Service-Disabled Veteran who was originally from a small town in Louisiana. He grew up within humble means but there was always food on the table. During the holidays, the family would all gather to enjoy each other’s company and eat our fill of some great Cajun food.

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