Tales Told by an Idiot by Joseph Ferguson

Tales Told by an Idiot by Joseph Ferguson

Tales Told by an Idiot by Joseph Ferguson

While far more of these stories than the author intended are reminiscent of The Twilight Zone, they run the gamut: laughter, terror, silliness, insanity, puns, puzzles, facts, fiction, and even a play and a Christmas story. And, though not thematically related, small references, allusions, and echoes reverberate throughout. In short, something for everyone.

Tales Told by an Idiot by Joseph Ferguson

About the Author

Joseph Ferguson is an author, poet, and journalist living in Wingdale, NY. His work appears in various small press, regional, and national publications. He also wrote propaganda for a living for various entities for some 25 years.

His books include four short story collections – Southbound, Shillelagh Law, Tales Told by an Idiot, and Thoreau the Meter; two poetry collections – Reflections of a Scurvy Bastard and Destination Known; and a spoof of “how-to-get-a-job” books, Dave Doolittle’s Resumes That Work, So You Don’t Have To.

He is a former editor and critic for Hudson Valley, ran the Fiction Workshop for the Poughkeepsie Library District, and has reviewed books and videos for Climbing, The American Book Review, Kirkus, and several other publications.

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