Talking to the bush by Jim Athanas

Talking to the bush by Jim Athanas

Talking to the bush by Jim Athanas

Lost within a dream, the hero gets entangled in another universe. Following some short of an adventure involving a giant snake chasing menacingly the hero’s boat, a new world is created. A new earth which is completely covered with lava and only one column of soil mass exists. On the surface of this ground, the hero stands alone, reminiscing and discussing with a bush that’s right outside his house. He talks and analyzes and hopes for something to change the current situation. All these take place while the column of earth that they inhabit is slowly drawn deeper inside the lava, piece by piece

Talking to the bush by Jim Athanas

About the Author

I’m a neurophysiotherapist and I work in my own private practice in Greece after doing my MSc at Keele University, UK. My passions are: writing and playing songs on my piano/guitar/ukulele, reading books and watching documentaries/TV Series. I have published the series: ”The Crown of Palrad” and the short stories “The pole” and “Talking to the bush”, all of which are available only on Amazon. I have been awarded several awards in fantasy literary contests in Greek and I have taken plenty course of creative writing. I was chosen Teenage Parliament member for the Greek Parliament.

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