Tara’s Journey by Mariclaire Norton

Tara’s Journey by Mariclaire Norton

Tara’s Journey by Mariclaire Norton

Tara’s Journey deals with the private journal of ArdRighan Tara the First of Eirlandia. The book, retrieved several centuries after the events depicted in the journal by Maeve of the Fighdrui, tells the life story of Tara starting with her capture by the Vikland prince, Alaric, through her adventures on the road to becoming Eirlandia’s ArdRighan (high queen) and her efforts to win the war with her country’s greatest enemy, the Formorrid.

This story is the first in an ongoing saga involving the past and present of this magical kingdom and its mysterious allies, the Sidheran. Magical stones, romance, mysterious ancestries, quests, and dangers both physical and mystical abound.

Tara’s Journey by Mariclaire Norton

About the Author

Author Mariclaire Norton

Mariclaire Norton has been interested in writing fiction, especially fantasy short stories, since high school. She is a published poet in a ‘National Treasury of Poems Anthology’ and wrote and directed a short play based on ‘The Crucible’ which was performed in her high school.

M. Norton is a long-time fantasy fiction fan, and has especially been influenced by such authors as J.R.R. Tolkien, Anne McCaffrey and Morgan Llywelyn. After studying Celtic and Norse pre-Christian cultures for many years, she has used that knowledge in her ‘Tales of Eirlandia’ novels.

M. Norton is now retired and lives with her husband and cat in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah.
Tara’s Journey is the first of a planned trilogy called ‘Tales of Eirlandia.’ Tara’s story will continue in ‘The Master Lifenstone’ and ‘The Ruling Crowns.’

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