Tempus By Thomas Botea

Tempus By Thomas Botea

Tempus By Thomas Botea

When he soared through the galaxy…

…he was gifted with the ability to travel through time.

But is he ready for the apocalypse he will create?

As a starship cadet, Petrus Hoyt helps his crewmates navigate the stars, but when they encounter hostile starships guarding a wormhole, the crew has to see what mysteries lay on the other side. However, they are confronted with unprecedented dangers.

What Petrus doesn’t expect is the assassin sent by an intelligence agency from the future. Will he make it out alive, or will the assassin restore balance to the dying universe?
The clock ticks.

You’ll love this YA time travel science fiction story. Tempus has the perfect mix of discovery and destruction to keep you turning the pages.

Get it now.

Tempus By Thomas Botea

About the Author

Thomas Botea is a high school senior, and he enjoys a good book. He loves to play chess, work out, and spend time with his family and friends.

Writing has been his long-time passion, and he is beyond happy to finish his debut novella, Tempus, which took three years to write. As a sci-fi fan, he creates stories with intense fight scenes, fast-paced plots, easter eggs (for future books to come!), and, most importantly, rewarding endings.

Tempus sets the stage for Cascadia, a fictional universe in which his planned book series takes place. Don’t miss out on this first title. Purchase Tempus now.

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