The Adulteress by Lucinda Weeks

The Adulteress by Lucinda Weeks

The is a stunning and compelling story based on the woman from the Bible who was caught in the act of adultery. This is a story of God’s love mercy, and forgiveness. Set in ancient Israel, Adina was young and in love with her life long sweetheart Yeichiel. Yeichiel was in love with Adina as well and would do anything to impress her father to win Adina’s hand in marriage. Adina’s father was convinced that Yeichiel was not good enough for his daughter and arranged for Adina to be married to rich and powerful Eleazar against Adina’s will. Driven by lust and control he will stop at nothing and pay a heavty bride price to marry Adina.

Adina finds herself trapped in an unwanted marriage to a man she could never love and longing for the only man she has ever loved. Adina and Yeichiel find themselves swept away in romance and passion. Through time tragedy and heartache Adina finds herself broken and confused her life spins out of control . Raised a good Jewish girl she realizes she has become the sort of woman she doesn’t even like. She struggles with the fear that God cannot forgive her sins until she comes face to face with Jesus and she discovers how truly loving and merciful God really is.

This incredible one of a kind novel weaves together many favorite Bible stories in a way that beautifully portrays Jesus, his teaching and healing ministry and the impact that he had on the Women who met Jesus.

The Adulteress by Lucinda Weeks

About the Author

I have been writing fiction as a hobby since I was eight. I’ve written as a ghostwriter for national magazine’s and websites. I have been a Christian believer in Jesus Christ for more than thirty years and began writing Christian fiction as a way of sharing Christ’s love, and to share with others the talent he gave me to write. I strive to write in a way that glorifies Christ first of all and to show in my writings of his divine love and mercy.

In 2005 I earned a degree in biblical studies from Ambassadors of Faith Christian Center and Seminary in Saint Joseph, Missouri which has helped enhance my Biblically based writings.

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