The Adventures of a Boy Named Jesus by William Lashley

The Adventures of a Boy Named Jesus by William Lashley

The Adventures of a Boy Named Jesus by William Lashley

Embark on a magical journey to the heart of the Nativity with “Adventures of a Boy Named Jesus: The King is Born,” the captivating Volume 1 of the series written by the talented author William Lashley. This beautifully illustrated children’s book is a timeless tale that will captivate readers of all ages from the very first page.

The Adventures of a Boy Named Jesus by William Lashley

About the Author

William Lashley is a father of four and grandfather of five who strives to be a man after God’s own heart. He is committed to changing the world one word at a time by shedding light on the life and miracles of Jesus. In a world where negativity abounds, William is passionate about bringing a positive influence, starting with children.

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