The Artist by Latoya Lawrence

The Artist by Latoya Lawrence

The Artist by Latoya Lawrence

Aspen is an artist with a hidden talent one that goes beyond his paintbrush and easel.

While he is successful in his work life as a cartoonist and comic book illustrator loved by both his sister Amiyah and his best friend Xander he suffers immensely in his personal life.

Aspen has no luck with the ladies. Women that he finds interest in have no interest in him.

They paint him out as one who they could not picture themselves with and there is no shortage to them expressing their unkindness and showing him their cruelness. Fed up with the constant mistreat and disrespect from the objects of his affection, Aspen directs all his energy into the skill and beauty of his craft.

When his remarkably stunning works of art become recognized as extraordinary masterpieces women from the past have a sudden change of heart and now cannot help but find Aspen overwhelmingly irresistible.

As the ladies fall at Aspen’s feet are they really looking at him through a new set of eyes or are they artfully led by the stroke of a brush?

In this cryptic tale of resentment and revenge—a hand once dealt becomes the hand that deals out—the man who the women could not picture themself with is the man who draws their life painting then brings their fatal portraits to life.

The Artist by Latoya Lawrence

About the Author

LaToya Lawrence is a Native of Queens, New York. She is a seasoned author who has published nineteen titles and has been a writer since her early childhood.

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