The Cocoon Within by Liisa Sabah

The Cocoon Within by Liisa Sabah

The Cocoon Within by Liisa Sabah

Since finding the book in the attic, strange things have happened to seventeen-year-old Ariana. She dare not tell her beloved grandfather, ‘Granpey,’ for fear of making him worry. After all, he is more like a father to her, having raised her single-handedly after her parents died in a car crash when she was just a few years old.

Ariana can only tell her best friend and confidant, Jack. Though surprisingly, romantic sparks are beginning to emerge in their friendship, but Ariana can’t be sure, as Jack has always had a schoolboy crush on the stunningly beautiful Jessica.

As Ariana grapples with strange visions and appearances, one thing becomes apparent: she isn’t the only one who sees them. Finding the book has triggered events which lead Jack, Ariana, and her unlikely new-found friend, Jessica, through a portal into a new and magnificent world, where her arch enemy, the all-powerful Destroyer thwarts her every move. Ariana’s little rescue dog, Leo, is a Godsend, and she can’t help but believe that his arrival is no coincidence. But what is in store for Ariana, Jack, and Jessica as they launch into an adventure with a seemingly impossible goal? Will Ariana discover her true identity and prevent the forces of evil from changing the world forever, or will the powerful Destroyer triumph over this brave but vulnerable young woman and her friends? Finding the book has triggered events that lead Jack, Ariana, and her unlikely new-found friend, Jessica, through a portal into a new and magnificent world, where her arch enemy, the all-powerful Destroyer, thwarts her every move.

The Cocoon Within by Liisa Sabah

About the Author

I grew up reading stories, I just loved adventure stories, and read every book in the Narnia series, The Hobbit was an all-time childhood favourite and reading was a pastime I just could not do without. Life without books is unimaginable to me.

When I was ten years old my family emigrated to West Africa and there, I spent the next four years growing up, not without some unusual family challenges and as I adapted to the change, I found that books were a real solace for me. I would escape into a world of fantasy, adventure, and intrigue. It was there that my love of reading gave birth to a dream to one day write and publish a book of my own.

I am a great believer in the power of thought, I think you really can accomplish anything you set your mind to! Keep dreaming and keep believing!

I have a passion for travel, too much coffee, and a love for animals, especially those roaring big cats… lions!

The Cocoon Within is my debut fantasy adventure novel and I really enjoyed the journey writing it and bringing all the characters to life. I am currently writing the sequel and am looking forward to sharing great stories to enrich the hearts and minds of readers around the globe!

But what is a book without readers? So, I just want to close with a massive thank you to all the readers that have kindly taken the time to purchase and read my first book, and I hope to bring many more engaging stories for your enjoyment!

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